Croag Patrick – Mountain of Stones

Standing tall as a sentinel on the West Coast of Ireland is Croag Patrick, towering 2,500 feet heavenwards.  A place of pilgrimage for those of faith who follow in the footsteps of St Patrick.  Around the 6th century AD he fasted 40 days and 40 nights on this mountain, and according to legend, it is from this place he drove the snakes out of Ireland.  Pilgrims from all over Ireland and the world come to climb this mountain in remembrance of St Patrick, patron saint of Ireland.

croag patrick in mist_web

We travelled to the west coast to sit at the feet of Croag Patrick, or maybe climb a little way.  Setting out with glad hearts and stout walking sticks the first hour of the climb took us to just below the saddle of the mountain.  We shared the path with children and adults, filled with joy and purpose.  The sun shone brightly.  Our feet found a rhythm and we stopped regularly to take a break and admire the view.

The heart of the mountain called us on and on.  As the sun rose steadily we found ourselves drawing closer towards the steep upward path.  Arjuna moved ahead with fixed determination; I sat a while contemplating the task ahead and then recommenced the climb – slowly, slowly up the razor-backed path.

Throughout the climb, the heart of the mountain touched us and called us onwards.  When I arrived at the summit, several hours after setting out the Spirit of the Mountain spoke thus:-

"From the heart of this sacred mountain We transmit Peace, Courage, Faith, Hope, Love, Redemption. To all those who come to the Mount of Stones seeking inner light;  we strengthen the Flame within.  The Triple Flame burns within this citadel.  From the inner portals of this mountain the Light of Hope enfolds the region.

From the Americas the Violet Fire of Saint Germain reaches ever eastward to Ireland.  For the people of this land have journeyed far, yet our Light stretches across the fair Atlantic to light the Way Home to Love. For those who love this land, a living body of Light, a beacon radiates ever onwards.  Across ocean and mountain, mountain and ocean.

We are Devas of all Elements.  We call this Mountain Home.  Bless this land for the Christ.  Bless this land for the Mothers.  Blessings abound.  From this citadel the Christ seeks to touch the hearts of many.  Radiate His love into the ethers that the vibration of Maitreya, strong and pure,  is accessible to the Spirit of the Mountain of Stones.

This mountain, which is likened to a lighthouse on the west coast of Ireland, is under the general jurisdiction of the Lord Kuthumi and Lord Master R.  At this mountain the hopes and dreams of many converge. Here the will of the people meet the Heart of Love.

Peace be upon all."

Chandra Easton