Heart’s Fire

Overtaken by His Love, His Blood, his Christedness.
I exist within His Heartstream.
His Heart aflame with Cosmic Love
 flows through me to His children.
He is the Lord of Love, Maitreya.
He is Maitreya Buddha. 
Christ Light_in the cave of the heart
 His Aura, a sea of Cosmic Fire.
His Eyes, the deepest, purest violet.
His Hands, hold holy healing touch.
His Mind, enfolding Universes, Galaxies.
His Face transports, tender and sublime.
He is the Lord of Love, Maitreya,
He is Maitreya Buddha.
maitreya b & w
His Presence, deep abiding Peace.
He overflows and overtake me.
His scent of lilacs, roses budding.
His Tears, compassion for His children.
His Movements, gentle, holy, flowing.
He is the Lord of Love, Maitreya.
He is Maitreya Buddha.

His Voice, caresses like the wind.
He calls His children Homewards.
To hear His voice - to be transfixed,
To follow Him, to serve, to heal.
To love and aid His children.
He is the Lord of Love, Maitreya,
He is Maitreya Buddha.

His Presence, protection for all time.
His Heart, the safest place on Earth.
His Arms, that of Comforter, Redeemer.
His Strength, that of Justice manifest.
His Power, that of Deity revealed,
He is the Lord of Love, Maitreya.
He is Maitreya Buddha.

Chandra Easton