Walk for Peace

Walk with Me
Do not desert Me,
For I walk with you.
Through My Heart lies Victory.
Through My Heart lies Peace.
Through My heart lies Forgiveness.
Through My Heart you shall find yourself.

Walk with Me in times of pain.
Walk with Me in times of celebration.
Never forget Me for I AM in Thee.
Never forget Me.
Never forget me.

I AM the Living Flame of Resurrection.
I AM the Light of Holiness.
I AM the Dove of Peace.
Together I walk with My children from the New Himalaya
Through the New Jerusalem to the Holy City of Shamballa.
It is a walk for all Eternity.
Every step returns you to Holiness.
Every step returns you to Grace.
Let us walk together.  This is our walk of Victory.
None are too great or too small to walk with Me.

We walk for Peace.  We walk for Justice.
We walk for Love.  Remember Me,
I am in You.  We walk together.

Call My Children to walk with us.
We walk to the Heart of the Rose.
For the sake of pity, walk.
For the sake of joy, walk.
Through all Shadows, all Light, we walk.
I AM the Lamb, the Redeemer,
The Chalice of Love.

Become the Chalice
Carry the Light of your Soul.
Walk with me for all Eternity
Through the Fires of Resurrection
Through the Valley of Peace, I Come.
Celebrate with Me, I Come.

We are the Victory of the Heart, We Come.
Stand with Us
All those who serve the Heart, We Come.

Letters from a loving Heart . . . .